Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sister is doing it for Obama

Inspiring news, y'all.

Sister Cecilia Gaudette, who last voted for President Eisenhower in 1952, has registered to vote and says she will vote for Democrat Barack Obama.

Although hard of hearing, she keeps herself informed by reading newspapers and watching TV at the convent.

"I'm encouraged by Senator Obama," she says.

"I've never met him, but he seems to be a good man with a good private life. That's the first thing. Then he must be able to govern," she adds.

She is 106 years-old and amazing. Go on Sister!



  1. Good for her! I'm glad she's going to make an informed decision, unlike quite a few of the GOP members running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

  2. Nice to see an open minded 106 year old who is not afraid of Change. ;-)
