Friday, October 10, 2008

Palin is Guilty!!!

Well, well, well. Moose Mess abused her power as Alaska's governor by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the state police.

"Gov. Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda," the report states.

Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan's refusal to fire State Trooper Mike Wooten from the state police force was "likely a contributing factor" to Monegan's July dismissal, but Palin had the authority as governor to fire him, the report by former Anchorage prosecutor Stephen Branchflower states.

The bipartisan Legislative Council, which commissioned the investigation after Monegan was fired, unanimously adopted the 263-page public report after a marathon executive session Friday. About 1,000 more pages of documents compiled during the inquiry will remain confidential, the council's chairman, state Sen. Kim Elton, said.

Rep. John Coghill, a Republican who criticized the handling of the investigation, said it was "well-done professionally."

Ahead of Friday's hearing, Palin supporters wearing clown costumes and carrying balloons denounced the investigation as a "kangaroo court" and a "three-ring circus" led by supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

The state senator managing the investigation, Sen. Hollis French, fueled those complaints with a September 2 interview in which he warned the inquiry could yield an "October Surprise" for the GOP.

But Palin's lawyers already had begun pushing for the state Personnel Board to launch its own investigation, calling it the proper legal venue for the matter.

I knew it, I knew it! Now, who's judgment should we question? Now what, Moose Mess!



  1. "I appreciate the different views. I am an Obama supporter and I also believe in fair play. I like to hear opposite opinions and I like your blog. But I also keep real. So keep it up, Tami. We may not agree but that's a good thing."

    Wonderman... I may be supporting the McCain/Palin ticket, but I really appreciate your kind words of encouragement posted over at M4P. You would not belief the harsh , vile, & very scary comments that people have left on this blog the last few days. Tami, has really had to "weed" a lot of them out. Not because they view things differently, but because they were horrid and very rude.
    Thank you for being so refreshing and reminding me that there are people out there who may disagree with my beliefs, but who value them at the same time.
    You are refreshing...

    Now... as far as this investigation... We must remember that the trooper DID traser his son and was caught drinking while on the job. This is automatic grounds for firing. I believe that the only reason this was investigated was because it was her brother in-law and because she's running for VP. Because of the "family' relationship issues, it may have been a conflict of interest. (This would have been investigated the same if the party tables were turned.) Just a thought...

  2. "I appreciate the different views. I am an Obama supporter and I also believe in fair play. I like to hear opposite opinions and I like your blog. But I also keep real. So keep it up, Tami. We may not agree but that's a good thing."

    Wonderman... I may be supporting the McCain/Palin ticket, but I really appreciate your kind words of encouragement posted over at M4P. You would not belief the harsh , vile, & very scary comments that people have left on this blog the last few days. Tami, has really had to "weed" a lot of them out. Not because they view things differently, but because they were horrid and very rude.
    Thank you for being so refreshing and reminding me that there are people out there who may disagree with my beliefs, but who value them at the same time.
    You are refreshing...

    Now... as far as this investigation... We must remember that the trooper DID traser his son and was caught drinking while on the job. This is automatic grounds for firing. I believe that the only reason this was investigated was because it was her brother in-law and because she's running for VP. Because of the "family' relationship issues, it may have been a conflict of interest. (This would have been investigated the same if the party tables were turned.) Just a thought...
