Monday, October 6, 2008

No Mo Cold Stone For Me!

Arizona is a screwed up state for many reasons, but today I want to hit on a new issue that's tearing me up.

The founders of Cold Stone Creamery has donated $10,000 to Prop 102. Prop 102 is the measure would amend the Arizona constitution by adding the following wording to the existing section on marriage:

Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.

You know what this is, Foolishness.

Cold Stone Creamery? I should have known, their ice cream ain't all that. And the fact the founders are from my former work town of Tempe, Arizona just seals the deal. If you want to see the entire list of donors go here. Look for Donald and Susan Sutherland. They are the founders. Thanks to Joe My God for posting this info.


  1. they may or may not be financially affiliated with the company anymore, we have to see.

  2. I've read that news, it's really a damned shame. I do like my ice cream, whatever, I just hope that the owner of Haagen-Daaz doesn't do the same thing.

  3. I think people love to make others suffer, why else would they bother with these types of discriminatory practices?!
