Monday, October 13, 2008

America's Best: West Plains, Missouri

Raymond Fine, 74, of West Plains, said the sign is a form of free speech. "If they can burn a flag, then they can put a sign up like that."

The sign is located south of West Plains on U.S. 63 across from the Dairy Queen.

Outrage over the sign triggered West Plains resident Becky Estes to write a letter in Monday's edition of the Daily Quill newspaper saying "such a tasteless display merely reinforces the wide-spread belief that Ozarkers are ignorant country bumpkins."

And we do, Becky. As much as I hate to say it, most people do think Mid-Western/Southern folks are the bane of the American existence.


1 comment:

  1. " If they can burn a flag ..."

    Who the hell are "they"? These strawman arguments are what these people seem to thrive upon. Bigots they are and will be.
