Sunday, September 14, 2008

We believe in Morals, Values, Misleading and Lying

"The McCain campaign said Gov. Palin opposed the bridge to nowhere, but now we know she supported it," said Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor in a statement. "They said she didn't seek earmarks, but now we know she hired a lobbyist to get millions in pork for her town and her state. They said she visited Iraq, but today we learned that she only stopped at the border. Americans are starting to wonder, is there anything the McCain campaign isn't lying about?"

This quote should be Obama's campaign message. And it should be a message for the country as well. This Straight Talk Express is a straight lie, McCain has gone over to the darkside and people for some reason, are glad about it.

Who are you people? Who are you to applaud this mess of lies and deceit. McCain, what has happen to you? After being smeared yourself, you have to be aware of your actions and this crap you are pulling. Are you willing to cheat us and yourself to win this election?

The supporters are really making me laugh. They pride themselves on morals and values, but support McCain's actions that are riddled with lies and smears. I ask again, who are you people?

This is the same foolishness that tricked them for 8 years and these idiots are still jumping in line. I want these folks to look up the definitions of morals, values, lie, fairness, deceit, mislead, myopic, and honestly. Do that, and then ask yourselves; can I vote for McCain?

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