Sunday, September 14, 2008

To all of you

Hi All

I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for reading my blog, putting up with my grammar mistakes, my rants about political stuff, and my pollyanna style. I appreciate my regular readers and I'm very thankful that you are around. I think of most of you as friends and your stories inspire me.

I know some of you are going through a lot as of late. Some of you are feeling heartbreak, sadness, new experiences...I just want y'all to know that anytime you need to chat, I'm here. I would love to be a ear or friend if you need it. We use our blogs to vent, rant, or connect; I think we can also reach out if we need to.

So again, thank you for joining me in my daily drama and being my buds on the nets.


  1. Don't sweat the grammar, the political rants or the polyanna style. I love reading your blog.

    And if you look at mine, I rant about politics and civil rights a hell of a lot. I also rip apart corporate welfare.

    Your interests parallel mine though I have the added technology and robotics thing going on.
