Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Screwing Up, Girl

Well, the truth is beginning to come through. The Moose Princess's stance on the "Bridge to Nowhere" is basically a stretch from the truth.

"I told Congress, 'Thanks, but no thanks' for that bridge to nowhere up in Alaska. If our state wanted a bridge, we were going to build it ourselves." Is the programmed statement she constantly says over and over again, but that my friends, is a lie.
Palin originally supported construction of the bridge, which would have linked the city of Ketchikan with its airport on sparsely populated Gravina Island.

"I'm not going to stand in the way of progress that our congressional delegation -- in the position of strength that they have right now -- they're making those efforts for the state of Alaska to build up our infrastructure," Palin said during a debate shortly before her 2006 election as governor. "I would not get in the way of progress of this project or other projects they're working so hard on."

Her office canceled work on the span in 2007 after it became a symbol of congressional "pork-barrel" excess, but kept money that Congress had appropriated for the project, using the funds instead for state transportation projects.

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah...get ready.

1 comment:

  1. sarah palin is a joke. if you have a chance check out my post about her and her pro-censorship philosophy
