Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Real Sexism of Palin

For the past 10 days we have hit with Sarah Palin. For some reason she has taken over the country and we don't know why. But as the days go by, I realizing the trick of this whole matter. Her presence should make people think and women very upset.

I have several concerns I want to voice about this smoke and mirrors act.

I have to ask, how does Sarah motivate people? What is it about her that's causing a surge in Repubs party, when she does not have the clout or the skills for big time management? How can a Governor of a small state, with no major crime or economy issues be prepared to govern a country? She's never made major decisions that changed the course of Alaska, in fact, she came close to bankrupting the state with the Bridge to Nowhere.

Women, trust your intuition, is she a landmark or a land mine to your cause? I know y'all want a leader and top representative breaking the glass ceiling, but I'm sure Palin isn't your glass breaker. Look closely at her role in all of this. When she speaks, it's all planned out, she has very little say in her appearance, and she was brought in the game as a pawn. Remember, if Obama picked Hill-Hill, we would have never heard of her. Sarah was brought in as a crafty plan, but not on her own merits. If that was the case, she would be able to stand on her own without McCain. Oh, and just for the record, sensationalism is not a sense of strength.

And speaking of that, why does she have to stand so close to McCain? They shield her like some helpless child. It's odd they are not letting her speak or truly represent herself. Everyone is speaking for her, but what about Sarah speaking for Sarah? The campaign is sheltering her and basically setting her up to fail. If she is a pitbull, then let her bark...away from the campaign. Can anyone see the trick in this? Sarah is being used.

Sarah Palin is basically treated as a hooker and McCain is the pimp. Hear me out on this one, a pimp keeps his best ho near him at all times. She represents his nature, power, and manner. However, he will not let get out of pocket and keeps her at a very short leash. Her point is to represent him and his pimp abilities, but she only speaks when he says so. That's how I see the McCain and Palin ticket. And women, you should call them out on that.

What woman would allow herself to be pimped or played like this in the public eye? Sarah had to know that she was a part of empty ploy. To be considered a pawn, should be an insult, not a honor. Her only purpose in the election is to be a hook to McCain, nothing more and nothing less. Her experience and judgment proves that she was not a real contender. McCain knew she would energize his base, but really, is she the one? With all the other experienced and highly aware Repub women capable of the VP spot, I think not.

She is a political ho, and she's being pimped by the McCain pimp machine. Women should not applaud that, they should denounce McCain and denounce Palin. The real sexism here is McCain. By shielding her, guarding her words carefully, using her as a pawn because of her gender, to play up her "motherhood" as main quality, and treating as Stepford Wife only shows us that most of the sexist acts are from her own hood.

So people wake up, women wise up, and get with the program. This is a trick that can cost us the country.

1 comment:

  1. You make very good points. Her true identity and abilities will be revealed the second she is in the debates, AND when she is finally allowed to talk to someone in the media. Thanks for having the courage to share your views!
