Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Rant about Stupid Folks

Isn't sad that Obama has to prove himself to stupid people? I know it's a harsh thing to say, but I can't help it.

These Wal-Mart women, hockey parents, backwood race hating folk...what's wrong with this picture? When did stupid people get so much clout? And why do we let them get this attention?

I feel it's a great embarrassment to cater to these people, and yes I said it...THESE PEOPLE! The idea that Sarah Palin is "qualified" to lead this country, thinking that banning abortion and gay marriage is uber important (that's more of the Evangelicals), wanting to make grits with the president, and family values is the only reason to live are NOT issues that will keep us out of war, in the black, and on par with the world.

Sometimes, I think that there should be a test or some way to evaluate if a person can vote. I know I'm being extreme, but it's scary to me to imagine McCain and Palin in office.
Okay, I'm fine for now.

Reason for Rant


  1. Generally speaking, somewhere around 30% of the population is pretty stupid. If natural selection were allowed to take place, these people would probably kill themselves in some form or fashion.

    Elections are usually about appealing to those people.

    Those of us with good sense have made up our minds a long time ago.

  2. You need a better Storm banner on top. The Byrne poses are the best.

  3. Beware what you wish you . . . there used to be intelligence and literacy test before the Voting Right Act. Most of us know what happend back then.

    In any case, Presidents do not get to decide abortion or gay rights. With Democrats poised to win both chambers of the Congress, ideological extreme nominees to the supreme court will never pass the confirmation hearings.

  4. I also find this odd. Maybe "these people" turn out in larger numbers at the polls. Perhaps they make the most noise in local and national political circles. Also, I would think a politician would like pandering to a crowd of folks that are not big on critical thinking. It makes it easier to run a bullshit game.

  5. Because crazy, stupid fucks with pitchforks will always shout louder than the intellect in the corner rolling his eyes.

    But hey, it's getting better. There's a black guy running for President!
