Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Fay Wray Card

During this whole Sarah Palin Showcase, I've heard this word "sexist" used when anyone questions her qualifications.

Just the other day James Carville was called sexist for discussing Palin's "experience". In another report, a repub congresswoman claimed that Dems were sexist towards Palin and refused to look at her towering experience record. Then Senior McCain adviser Carly Fiorina claims that Obama's peeps are being sexist, too. I'm sorry, but that's not sexist, that's the truth.

We all know she not experienced, no question about it. However, to use the Fay Wray Card in Palin's defense is very tacky and insulting to women.

The Fay Wray Card comes from the notion of attacking a helpless woman with hate and sexist views. Palin is not helpless, but she isn't ready to lead the country. I cringe every time I hear someone says "you're sexist" just because Palin's tactics are in question. It's demeans the word and cause behind it. This is a tough business and she knew what she was getting into when she accepted McCain's offer.

Perhaps it's sexist to claim the media's too harsh on her. Politics are no joke and to enter this race with drama on tap, reveals a lot about her judgment and McCain's. But I guess that would be sexist too.


  1. Having Obama say that families are off limits absolves him of what any of the other groups say about her. She is the most unqualified right-winged "thumper" running for office today and they need to continue to keep saying it regardless of what Obama is saying. That's how the game is played in Washington and one's knows the republicans will stop at nothing to smear all the rest.

    By the way I like your new picture.

  2. Funny how the GOP can say whatever they want about Obama or Hillary, but the minute someone points out the faults of Palin, it's all of a sudden something sexist. Talk about a double standard!!

  3. The GOP tonight was attacking "liberal media" because of the Pregnant Palin. It's crazy.

    How is questioning her experience sexist?
