Thursday, August 28, 2008

What the People want

I am amazed to see this. There are over 85,000 people at this stadium, waiting to hear Obama. I am truly overwhelmed over this event.

People want change. I just hope people are ready for Obama and for the next step in our lives.


  1. If McCain isn't nervous....he should be. Obama can fill stadiums...McCain can't even scrounge up 10 thousand from 5 surrounding states !

  2. I agree with Anon. Let's see how many he can draw from the Twin Cities.

  3. I am nervous too...for America. Obama is a sensationalist, not a leader. The numbers at his events indicate worry, anger, frustration, etc. The fact that all these people flock to his charisma has NOTHING to do with his ability to solve problems and lead this country. Mr. McCain has guts, and he has a loyalty to this country that Mr. Obama could never hope to understand.

  4. Yes, amazing that Obama can get non-working class people to stadiums, while the rest of us are too worried about work to go attend speeches.

  5. Mr. McCain has guts, and he has a loyalty to this country that Mr. Obama could never hope to understand.

    I completely disagree. We don't have to be soldiers to be loyal to our country.

    Yes, amazing that Obama can get non-working class people to stadiums, while the rest of us are too worried about work to go attend speeches.

    Yeah...we couldn't leave work because we can't afford to miss work anymore.

  6. Mr. Mayfield, I never insinuated that military experience is a prerequisite to the Oval Office. However, John McCain's past actions ABSOLUTELY prove he has the CHARACTER that is required to be a good president. As for Mr. Obama, we do not know. Perhaps he will enlighten us, but I assume nothing and demand proof that he is worthy of being my president.

  7. Matthew, thanks for the clarification! :) I thought you were saying since he didn't serve in the military he wasn't as loyal to the country. I stand corrected! :)
