Friday, August 15, 2008

They've Found Harry!

Two men claimed to have found Bigfoot, or at least a dead one. The men said they were hiking when they discovered the body of a 7-foot-7, 500-pound half-ape, half-human creature near a stream.

They also claim to have seen three more of these creatures in a hidden location. They won't reveal this secret location in hopes that the mythical beings stay safe from the rest of the world.

Reporters are highly skeptical about this, however the men said the body is real and believe scientific analysis will prove it.

If this turns out to be real, then who knows what else they may find. Aliens, unicorns, mermaids, a decent gay never know.


  1. Poor Harry . . .

    If this proves to be true, well then I guess a lot of people will be eating a lot of crow.

  2. True, but I'm kind of excited about it.


    Quite the corpse ;)

  4. the thing that bothers me out of this whole account is when asked about how the body was found the anwsers were kept short. Nothing was mentioned about odors (which would naturally come from a creature with that much fur). The second one is how he prides himself on how he's just the best "bigfoot trackers in the world," when in reality he just happened to have found a so called body and didn't believe in bigfoot to begin with, if he happened to find more creatures across the globe then at that point he would be worthy of such title. I do believe in bigfoot and other mysterious creatures and this may or may not be the body of bigfoot but i'm getting cold feet about the story at the moment. Only time will tell what this thing is.

  5. This was JUST on our local news. Apparently, this happened somewhat locally here. It's so funny, in my opinion.

    A decent gay movie? Now, that's the legend. ;)

  6. Strike happened in California...

    ...still true about the gay movie.

  7. I think it's a hoax, but so is a good gay movie

  8. LOL. Yep. Brokeback Mountain was good...but Another Gay Movie? Not so much.
