Thursday, August 21, 2008

Silly Quote: Brian Rogers, McCain campaign spokesman

Mr. Rogers said this:

“If Barack Obama wants to have a discussion about truly questionable associations, let’s start with his relationship with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, at whose home Obama’s political career was reportedly launched. Mr. Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground, a terrorist group responsible for countless bombings against targets including the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and numerous police stations, courthouses and banks."

Brian, sweetie, Ayers is not a real terrorist and hasn't been for quite some time. If you don't know, which you do, he is A F**KING UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO!

If he was trusted with multiple degrees and a teaching job, then that means that he is trusted among the people. Do you really want to use this against Obama? This has to be the dumbest linking game I've ever seen. Jonny Mac cheated on his wife, called her fat, and left her lonely. And he was a grown ass man compared to Obama, who was like 5 when Ayers did his thing.
Try Again, Rogers!

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