Friday, August 8, 2008

Oh No, Jonny!

One of my political crushes has sinned. John Edwards admitted having an affair with a hideous woman. Here's what he had to say:
"In 2006, I made a serious error in judgment and conducted myself in a way that was disloyal to my family and to my core beliefs. I recognized my mistake and I told my wife that I had a liaison with another woman, and I asked for her forgiveness."


"You cannot beat me up more than I have already beaten up myself. I have been stripped bare and will now work with everything I have to help my family and others who need my help."

Well, I'm glad he's not in the prez race, or this would have destroyed his campaign. But I can't imagine what this is doing to his family. His wife was going through so much with cancer and all. He should've been strong. He should've been a good husband. Jonny...What happened?


  1. I'm actually deeply saddened by this, considering his poor wife's cancer. I had a lot of respect for Edwards. Not so much anymore. :(


  2. I know, it'sad. Hopefully he has learn from his mistakes

  3. I hope so. I can't get over how absolutely amazing your blog is! You've done with your blog what I dream I can do with mine!

  4. Thank you, Joie. Now I am blushing, but I try to make a good blog. It's a great way to improve my writing
