Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oh God IV: I want to be President

Tonight, Rev. Rick Warren, known as America's most influential pastor, will be hosting an "civil forum on the presidency" with Obama and McCain. Warren claims the forum won't just focus on "moral issues," but will try to make the conversation well rounded.

But I'm just a bit skeptical about it. The fact that our candidates have to go to a church for a forum scrambles the separation church and state notion. I'm sorry, but their religious stances has nothing to do with how they run the country. Their views of gay marriage or abortion are not going to stop a war, increase jobs, provide health care, or strengthen education. If my boss believed in X'Hal or Crom, I wouldn't care. All I want is a great leader. That's what most of us want, right?

And it bothers me that Rev. Warren is heading this up. This man leads the country's fourth largest church, sold more than 30 million books (jealous), and owns a 20,000-member Saddleback mega-church in Southern Cali-Cal. I can't help but to see this as a "chosen one speaking to America's best" type of thing.

I hope this will not turn into gospel hour, but a true discussion about their abilities and how they can change the world, or at least our country.


  1. This may turn into a contender for being just as bad as the Charlie Gibson/George Snuffleupagus debate earlier this year.

  2. I really don't think this is a good idea. I mean, if it's at a church, they are going to feel pressured into answering based on religious conviction. If McCain or Obama were Islamic, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, doesn't matter to me. Do I want them to make decision that are based on the good of ALL peoples, of course. Having been raised of a Christian background, I can also see where Christian principles may not be the best decisions for all people. I guess Rick Warren can call this the "Purpose-Driven Debate." Maybe he'll sell more Purpose-Driven Merchandise, and get Purpose-Driven Richer.

  3. Just finished watching it. I thought Mr. Warren did a great job of trying to ask questions about real leadership addressing issues ranging from war to supreme court justices.
    It was definitely beyond a litmus test or shallow polished conversation. There were tough insightful questions.

  4. It was tough questions, I was very impressed
