Thursday, August 21, 2008

Obama, channel your Inner Diva

After reading several articles and watching recent news reels, I realized that Obama's missing his inner Dominique Deveraux. For those who don't know, she was the only black diva mega on the tangy sweet 80s series, Dynasty.

I know he's passionate and smart, but I think we need to see the fire and snappiness directed towards McCainiac's foolishness. If he allowed this inner being to evolve, Jonny will be destroyed. We all know that McCain is horrible in debates and stumbles after every word.

All Obama has to do is strike back, but in a way that highlights his strength and intelligence. I want to see his passion, I want him to strike Jonny down and show this lost country that he can lead. I know he can, but you know how some of our citizens think, if a president can't shoot em up, they can't lead. And that's really stupid, but that's America.

So Obama don't come out with your guns blazing, but bring the noise. Show the fire, the passion, and Dominique Deveraux to us so everybody knows who's the real player in this game.


  1. Amen to this post V. Obama has to deliver an old fashioned beatdown on McCain.

    One of my favorite Dominique and Alexis moments was when Alexis offers Dominique some champagne. Dominique makes a sour facial expression and says, "This champagne is burnt." To which Alexis responds "What do you mean?" Dominique then schools Alexis and tells her "It means that it was chilled at one time, then allowed to return to room temperature. It burns the champagne Alexis." Alexis lost her cool and Dominique strolls out with her cool intact.
