Monday, August 4, 2008

The National Religious Right leaders are going to save America!

About 200 pastors and other religious leaders gathered throughout California to discuss their master plan to save our culture Read some of this mess of a memo.
“One of the dumbest things the devil ever did was attack the institution of marriage.” Dr. Jim Garlow, Skyline Church, San Diego

“We must be consumed with a holy anger…this is the time to fight...
Isn’t it time that we the church come out of the closet? Everyone else has.” Rev. Jim Franklin, Cornerstone Church, Fresno

For two hours on Wednesday afternoon, July 30, pastors gathered at 215 sites in California, Arizona, and Florida were exhorted by national Religious Right leaders and local anti-gay pastors to spare nothing in the cultural and spiritual war against Satan and his allies who support marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples. National figures included Tony Perkins, Harry Jackson, Maggie Gallagher, and Chuck Colson. The primary focus of the call was Proposition 8 in California, described by Colson as “the Armageddon of the culture war.”

The campaign’s volunteer recruitment is built around an “8 for 8” theme, ie, asking pastors to recruit eight other pastors for next month’s call. Among action items for pastors:
1) urge people to pray 8 minutes every morning and evening at 8 for passage of prop 8
2) urge people to enlist 8 other people to join 8 for 8 plan
3) give at least $8 to protect for each member of the family, or$ 88, or $888
4) obey – as we watch and pray, we must decide to be obedient to God in all that he is directing each one of us to do
5) Starting on 8/8/08, begin to volunteer, offer services of work 8 hours for the campaign in
some capacity…sign up through…we’re going to be offering more opportunities for volunteer service on Aug. 27 conf. call
6) encourage one another – send a note of encouragement to at least eight other pastors who
are standing for marriage
7) turn out the vote – people need to be registering at least 8 other people to vote – get 8 other people to apply for permanent vote by mail
8) contact 8 families and ask them to participate in the family voting weekend, display
bumper stickers, put posters in local stores.

there's more of this memo here


  1. I remember Maggie Gallagher. She testified at the Marriage Equality hearings in RI last April. I was there.

    She was such a smug bitch that I wanted to smack her. As she walked by me I said "You fucking cunt, we're going to win this and you're going to look like the hateful bitch that you are.". She just sped her way out of the room when I said that.

  2. I bet the hearing was hard to sit through

  3. Hoo boy, this group is going to save the world, eh?! What a hoot. They can't even straighten out their own lives. Statistics show that divorce rates in Massachusetts are the lowest in the nation whilst in the South and in the Bible belt the divorces are the highest. Hmmmm!!! It seems to me that gays marrying stablizes all marriages than destroying them.

  4. Yeah, I think facts are not their biggest concern.
