Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Marriage Works...Civil Unions too

A study states that legalized same-sex couple relationships appears to last longer than those without a legal status.
Conducted by researchers from the University of Washington, San Diego State University and the University of Vermont, the study is the first to examine the experiences of couples in the five years since Vermont legalized civil unions.

The Vermont study followed-up on a 2002 project that was the first to focus on legalized relationships of same-sex couples in the US, following establishment of civil unions in Vermont in 2000.

Sixty-five male and 138 female couples who entered into civil unions during the first year they were available were asked to provide information. They were compared to 23 male and 61 female couples not in civil unions and 55 heterosexual married couples who were related to the same-sex couples in civil unions.

Same-sex couples not in civil unions were more likely to have ended their relationship than same-sex couples in civil unions or heterosexual married couples in the study. This finding supports earlier research by Lawrence Kurdek at Wright State University and by Green, Bettinger, and Zacks at Alliant International University that compared same-sex unmarried and heterosexual married couples and found marriage was linked to longer lasting relationships.

This is very interesting info, but I wonder if legalized couples fair well in major cities...like Los Angeles, New York, or Boston. I'm curious to know more.


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