Monday, August 4, 2008

It's Time to End the Down Low Foolisness

Most of you know that I abhor anything involving the DL (Down Low) or any celebration/profit from that nonsense. The DL mark has stained the Black gay community and labeled us as irresponsible and dangerous people. And highlighting it for books and shows only push the image deeper into folks' heads.

Now with the alarming numbers of HIV cases in the Black community, the DL foolishness has to stop. I'm not saying the DL is the sole cause of the increase, but it play a very strong part of it. As Black gay men we need to look closely at our community, we need to deal with this issue head on. We need to challenge our DL brothers to be safe at all cost.

I would like for them to come out, but I know that's a tricky issue. Yet, I think it's time to change that belief. Usually the DL aspect is beset by low-esteem, fears, and uncertainty. If we encourage them to step out, most of the negative thinking could curve. I know when I came out, my attitude changed for the better. My spirit grew and my self-awareness became whole. I realized that the DL mess was a cage of misery. If I was going to live a full life, I had to be free.

I know that was my experience and all of our stories are different. But still, I think we all can benefit if we could denounce the DL as an option. Black men should want more and demand more. What good is it to be with someone who is not embracing their true selves. And why would we settle for less? It time to step up and leave that cage. It time to live free and live safe.

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