Sunday, August 10, 2008

How Are We Destroying Marriage Again?

For awhile now, gay marriage has been blamed for destroying the sanctity of marriage, the state of the world, and the Earth. But the truth is we have nothing to do with that at all. In fact, their marriage demised may come from...I don't know...them?

Some ideas

The Bachelor and shows like this takes the whole affair of courting and pound it into twelve 1 hour features. And if you watch this mess, none of the relationships last. Getting a fake prince charming to find a cheerleader of his dreams is borderline high school and silly.

This event puts arrogant young business boys with silly fashion girls in hopes to create their lasting love affair. So far, it's increased drunken one-night stands and stained dresses.

This is the quickest trip to divorce court. claims that the classy and prettiest people come here, hoping to find that perfect person to complete their lost and lonely lives. Basically this foolishness only pushes the notions that women are gold diggers and men are...well, men.

Then, TV undermines marriage as boring and celebrates cheating and uber sex, according to the Parents Television Council. I usually don't agree with their stuff, but they do have a point with their recent research.

The study analyzed four weeks of scripted shows on the major networks at the start of the 2007-08 season, noting content including depictions of sex; implied sex; discussions on the subject, and visual references to strippers, pornography and other aspects of sexuality.

Among the networks overall, references to adultery outnumbered references to marital sex by 2 to 1. The "family hour" -- the first hour of prime-time TV, which draws the most young viewers -- contained the highest ratio of references to non-married vs. married sex, the study found.

So, I think it's safe to say we are not causing the increase in divorce. Our counterparts are doing a great job without us.


  1. I'm so glad someone else understands my feelings on this matter. It drives me freakin' crazy to hear these self-rightous conservative talk about the sanctity of marriage, while their names are in the news with their bathroom scandals, prostitution scandals, and call boy scandals. It's just ridiculous. I mean...look at Ted Haggard!!

    Great blog.

  2. I think marriage kind of got phased out in the 70's when people started living together.

    Gay marriage is legal in Canada...not even an issue here.

  3. It shouldn't be here, either, but we don't have much support for it. It's quite unfortunate. I think the victories in California and Massachusetts will start the ball rolling. :)

    One day, we'll be able to say that here,'s not an issue. One day.

  4. You know, it isn't even marriage that these assholes are trying to "protect", it's the idea of the ideal marriage that they say gay marriage will destroy. It's all bullshit, really.

    If we continue to show examples of how straights have fucked up marriage us just feeding into their justification of how to "protect" it. Maybe now gay mariage is their focus, but, if they would win, which they never will, but, if they do, they would go after every Americans right to get into their own weekend marriage whenever they were sober enough to stand at an alter for five minutes and not forget to pay Elvis.

    The freedom to do what you will with your life and to subsequently fuck it up is our right.

  5. Here, here!! You're speaking nothing but the truth, my friend! :)
