Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Horror in Real Time

I can't believe this! Patrick "Booger Red" Kelly, an alleged member of the swingers' club in Tyler, Texas, is charged with engaging in organized criminal activity and aggravated sexual assualt against children as young as 5 years old.

In sad detail, an 11-year-old girl testified about taking "silly pills" and playing "doctor" with her younger brother at the club, where prosecutors say the siblings performed for paying audiences.

It horrible to think about the crimes and mess our children face these days. I wish these children well and I hope they get the help they need to move past this.


  1. The only bit of justice in this is that they will not sentence this piece of human trash to death, he should spend the rest of his life at the bottom of the pecking order in the worst prison this country has to offer. I would give anything to see his first encounter with a prison gang.

  2. What a bastard! Where is the death penalty? There is no justice for these poor children. Either hang him or mark X on his chest and summarily shoot this slime.

  3. This is indeed a sad case, and unfortunately children are victimized much more often then is known about. Another thing that I find disturbing is that the media has linked this behavior to swinging. Swinging this is not, never has been, nor ever will be.

  4. This is why we need the death penalty for these crimes. These children don't know it yet, but they will never have a normal perspective on intimacy or sex. It will be scewed forever.

  5. It is sad that people are not reading the facts on this case. If you REALLY do your homework without just commenting you will find this is a case out of ANOTHER county and was NOT prosecuted by the DA's office because there was NO evidence of wrong doing. NO-- I repeat NO DA's office in the world would decline to prosecute a sex offense case. They didn't pick it up because it didn't happen -- read the Dallas Morning News Article and see what the Mineola DA had to say about the situation. I would think that in this country people would be INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty. Just because someone launches horrible allegations on someone does not mean they are true. I have ZERO tolerance for sex offenders-- I think they are worse than murderers-- BUT I also have ZERO tolerance for trumped up charges and prosecutorial misconduct in order to gain convictions-- in a town that is NOTORIOUS for this very thing! READ READ READ before you JUDGE!
