Monday, August 25, 2008

Gay Media Mogul didn't wear his Thinking Cap

Paul Colichman, the man who owns The Advocate and Out magazines,, and Here!, cable network for gays (which should be shunned for it's lame attempts at Horror), was a huge a Hill-Hill guy and then moved over to Obama. Until he watched the Rev. Warren show 2 weekends ago.

I thought, 'Wow! He just threw the gay community under the bus! My partner looked over at me, and we tore up the check. "If we always vote for the lesser of two evils, if we accept their crumbs and platitudes, if we write checks to candidates who don't stand up for us, aren't we being self-destructive?"

No, you're being self-destructive when you don't know nothing about the candidates. If Paulie knew Hill-Hill then he would've known that she too, thinks marriage is between a man and a woman. Also, to not vote for the candidate that would work with us, is destructive as well. So Paul, maybe you should tape that check up and send it out.


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