Friday, August 1, 2008

A Bio-terrorist Attack on East Coast Straight Males

These guys can't be real. But in the East Coast, this is considered cool. If women want the man of her dreams she needs to start here.

These guys are the elite of the manly male. And usually can be found in New Jersey, Boston, and New York. Personally, I would be hurt if I was a woman. If this was all I had, I would give up.

There has to be some master plan out there that planted the idea in the guys' heads. No one would push this as a sexy way to be. This is not cute, nor something to live up to. I hope there's counseling or outreach for this attack on the human brain.


  1. sadly this is what a man is expected to be like in my area. i fail this.

  2. No.
    What fresh hell is this. . .
    This CAN'T be real.
    WHY do they all look like electrified CORPSES! Where on this earth is this look an aesthetic?

    Okay, if you look at classical Greek and Roman mosaics, men are often tan, the women pale, some how this notion has crept into the Western beauty myth but WTF is this?

    This is some form of black-face.
    And the puckered lips? Please explain. . .
