Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Secret a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

A question to the gay readers. When you go to the doctor's office and he/she ask you personal questions, are you answering them truthfully or to the best of your knowledge?

Well according to this article, a lot folks are not telling the Doc everything.
  • A survey of 452 New York City men who had had sex with other men within the past year found that 39 percent had not disclosed their sexual orientation to their doctors.
  • While 78 percent of the men who had sex with men and identified themselves as homosexual said they had discussed their sexuality with their doctors, none of the men who had sex with men but identified themselves as bisexual had told their doctors.
  • 60 percent of black men who had sex with other men said they had not discussed their sex lives with their doctors, compared with 48 percent of Hispanic men, 47 percent of Asian men and 19 percent of white men.
  • Men who were 28 or older were more like than younger men (69 percent vs. 52 percent) to be out to their providers. Those born in the United States were more likely than immigrant men to disclose their practices, and those who were better educated disclosed at higher rates than the less educated.
That's some interesting stuff.

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