Tuesday, July 8, 2008

No Regrets?

Today, I learned that the Vatican may regret the decision to allow women to be bishops. Personally, I didn't know this was a problem, but apparently it is.

The General Synod gave the "ok" to a resolution that allows women to become bishops on Monday, however there are traditionalists who argued that Jesus only wanted men in leadership positions. Hmm, that's interesting since there's no real proof of that anywhere.

These traditionalists claim they will leave Anglican Church for the Roman Catholic Church if women become bishops. In fact, hundreds of Anglican priests left when women were first ordained 16 years ago.

I'm sorry, but I thought this was about God, peace, and charity, not foolish pride, sexism, and he said, she said mess. It just baffles me how religion has so many followers and yet, most of it is so rigid, backwards, and guilt ridden. Where's the joy in that?


  1. Proof:

    I Timothy 2:12
    But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

    If you believe Jesus is God and God wrote the Bible, than even though this is "Paul" writing it is still the words of God. Women are not to be in teaching or leadership positions in the church.

    ~A happily married, happily submitting Baptist woman

  2. Well, if Jesus was such a sexist that he wouldn't allow women as priests, then he was obviously not that great a person. To hell with their sexist Jesus.

  3. Wasn't that passage in Timothy written after the male leaders in the church purged women from leadership roles? It certainly doesn't date from Jesus' time. It's revisionist history. The early Christian church did have women priests.

    Of course, that was also back when priests were allowed to marry.

  4. all "traditionalists" are doing here is following what is unmistakeable biblical teaching. if the Church of England wants to change it, why don't they admit they are changing what was originally intended in their religion, and start a new one? but don't come down on people that are sticking with what was intended. this is a perfect example of changing a religion to suit what certain people want. "For the time is coming when people,…having itching ears, will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander away to myths” (II Tim. 4:3-4).

  5. To: ~A happily married, happily submitting Baptist woman;jason

    You should try reading other books than just the 'bible'. Now while I believe Jesus was a great man like MLK,Ghandi, you have to question who gave him that title.

    Some other dandies from the great book:

    1 Samuel 15:3
    1 Corinthians 14:34-35
    1 Timothy 2:11-14
    Psalm 137:8-9
    Ezekial 9:5-6
    Leviticus 20:9
    Deuteronomy 21:18-21
    Proverbs 20:30
    Ephesians 5:22

    I could go on, but this is my long winded way of saying you're idiots.

  6. A Lie by The Great Liar.

    "He was hardly going to choose women and send them into a situation where they might have been in grave risk," Duke said.

    Ye of little faith. As if Jesus and/or God couldn't protect women. Jesus' best friend was a woman prostitue who was about to be stoned to death. He saved her. Jesus had many opportunities to choose deciples. He chose men.

    One need look no further than Mary to see the high regard every Catholic has (or should have) for women. Mary, the mother of the human God. When the young Jesus was with the rabbis "about his father's work" even He obeyed his mother and went home with her. We ask Mary to help us because Jesus listens to his mother -- as we all should.

    The Anglicans are being deceived by The Liar who fools them into believing the Truth can change. The Truth cannot change. Truth is perfection. That which is perfect does not, can not, will not change.

    The act of attempting to ordain women priests and bishops is futile at best and deceiving at worst.

    Futile because saying the words of ordination does not make it so. Any act of ordination or consecration must be done validly and in the correct form. The attempt by the Anglicans is invalid as the Anglicans are excummicated. No authority. The form is incorrect because it is woman. They may as well be attempting to ordinate a lump of coal -- they will fail.

    Deceiving because it fools people into thinking the Truth can change to "suit the times". It is a lie that the Truth can change. The deception results in people following The Liar and that leads to Death.

    Do not follow The Liar, it doesn't want you in heaven. The Holy Trinity wants you in heaven. Follow the Catholic Church and its irrevokable, unchangeable Truth.

  7. When I first started investing in the stock market, my stocks didn't do so well. I then eliminated those companies run solely by men and guess what? My stocks took off and I am now comfortably retired at 45. This got me thinking, if I wouldn't trust my money to a company run by men then why would I trust my soul to a religion run by men?

  8. Ah, retired at 45.

    Do you remember a time when you were, say, five years old? If so, you have a rough idea how long it is until your natural death. I wouldn't dare equate stocks with my soul or eternity. That comfortable retirement could be gone in a twinkling of the eye. I would rather be impovershed for the next forty years and die a miserable human death, than spend an eternity with The Liar, Murderer From The Beginning.

    In His death a man has served you the opportunity to spend eternity in heaven with joy that you will never know on earth. A man has done this because He loves you.

  9. If catholics want to stick to the traditions of Jesus' times, then they should allow priests to marry, ride donkeys, believe that the Earth is flat, and so forth. God created men and women, Anglicans ordain them. Thanks God for a the Anglican Church.

  10. The Anglicans are not ordaining any priests and bishops. They only think they are and handing out a title. In doing so they mislead people into believing these people are priests and bishops. The Church Of England "sacrements" (except baptism and matrimony) are invalid. The Church Of England knows that by the actions of King Henry VIII that he excummunicated himself and his followers from the Catholic church. To continue on, continues the Lie.

    Following the Lie risks following into Death.

  11. Sorry, if a person wants to quote Paul and we know what type of a person Paul was, then, one should change the name of their religion and call themselves Paulists or Apaulogists and not Christians.

    I find it amusing that one of the anomyously written comments made such a leap by stating that what ever Paul says has to be what Jesus says. Rubbish. The Bible was written by man, both Testaments.

    It is interesting sitting back and watching these so called holy people casting all those stones at one another. This is a huge problem with patriarchal religions, the men have to be in charge and they want the women always in a subservant role. If I were religious at all, I would choose to go back to the thoughts of goddesses and worshiping the land. Who knows, perhaps there wouldn't be all the pollution in the world if we held the earth in greater respect.

    Sadly, religion has been created by man and his gods are patterned after him. All of the prejudices man holds today are shared by the gods he has created. Interesting how "god" looks just like man?

    Time to move on folks and trust in yourself. Do you really need that carrot and stick to make you be a good person with the promise that you will go to that cloud in the sky? I know I do not need all of that to just be a good person to myself and to all I meet and get to know. Save your money and quit tithing it to those charlatans living off of your hard earned money. I'm glad the Anglican Church has continued to allow women to share the priesthood, those who want to go back in time,check with the Roman Catholics or Orthodox religions.

  12. The Liar would accept souls swayed with words just like that: Soothing, humanistic, appealing to worldly, personal desires. Perhaps The Liar would exploit a weakness for the disdain of men to distort The Truth.

    Earthly desires don't amount to an atom in a universe when compared to eternity. Earthly desires are nothing. Noise. Distraction.

    I am nothing but a speck. But...

    God loves the speck and he loves you as well.

  13. I LOVE Butch's comment...

    Also, "happily submitting" is an oxymoron.

    Unless there's leather straps involved.
