Saturday, July 5, 2008

MLK was Repub...I think.

The National Black Republican Association has placed billboards in Florida and South Carolina saying the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. They haven't shown any proof of this but, they are causing uproar in the Black community.

The chairwoman of this group, Frances Rice, claims that King was a proud Repub, but when confronted on the subject, she really have nothing to say. Especially when King voted for President Kennedy, and highly criticized Republican Barry Goldwater during the 1964 presidential campaign. Also it was known that King wasn't big into politics. However, they insist he was a staunch Repub.

But lets think about it for a second, imagine if he was a Repub. It was a different time, before the hijacking of patriotism and religion. King wouldn't stand for the tactics used now to fool voters, nor allow religion to play a overt role in politics. Remember, King's words were about uniting and working together. He would never have a goblin like Karl Rove spinning lies and mess in his messages. If King was a Repub, he wouldn't allow this war to happen, in fact he would've tried something different before invading Iraq.

King would not allow Obama to be attacked in such a disrespectful way and Bush to act as a drunken cowboy. So before Ms. Rice creates another billboard or sign, she think about what King stood for, and she should also realize that she and the group can be sued for misusing King's name.


  1. what a ridiculous ad, no way would MLK be republican!

  2. I do not believe for a second that MLK was a republican. Mark Twain said that there were liars, damned liars, and politicans. The republicans will do anything including lying about someone to try and win an election. They can all crawl back under the rocks from whence they came for all I care about them. Their time is almost up.

  3. When I hear myself saying National Black Republican Association, it leaves a nasty taste in my mouth...

    Like Log Cabin Republicans, or, well, any Republican group formed of any "minority", by "minority", I mean any historically oppressed group, not that there's less of us.
