Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's time to shut your mouth, Linda Harvey!

The sad news is HIV is increasing within our gay community; the sadder news is, it's the homosexual student high school organizations fault.

This person known as Linda Harvey believes it's homosexual clubs and other pro-homosexual programs fault that HIV is on the rise. Several articles are talking about this woman, and I just happen to read her editorial, which is a hot mess to me.

She claims that uplifting the pride and self-esteem of LGBT students, will sent them out for hot sex and destroy our families. Really? Is she high? Where does she think of this stuff, on the toilet?

Linda Lee, the students don't come out of these meetings thinking, "We're going to have anal sex today." They are trying to understand their lives and the mess they have to endure once they come out. Yes, they may feel better about having sex, but that's very different from planning to infect someone or get infected.

Linda needs to think, because this logic she's speaking is truly daft. If the LGBT clubs are the cause of HIV, then Frats are the cause of sexual assaults and closeted homosexuality. The French Club is the cause of anti-patriotism, and the Glee Club confuses gender roles. Child cheese, Linda, get yourself together! And don't bring in Christianity in this argument. The true reason of this faith would strike down her notions, so she should also sign up for more Bible study classes.

And another thing, we should shut down Bible study because it promotes ignorance, myopic views, elitism, madness, and sexism. See Linda, two can play that game.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe she should visit Africa and tell all the orphans whose STRAIGHT parents died due to complications of AIDS that they're orphans because of homosexuals in the United States. I think she's be tarred and feathered then thrown to the lions.
