Thursday, July 31, 2008


Is this possible? Could a long term relationship happen in this fashion? Interesting concept


  1. It is a good place to start.

    A long time ago, a brother said something to me I've never forgotten. In his words, a relationship between two brothres has a better change if they share certain things in common. Of course, he was talking about education and socio-economic status. I agreed, but only up to a point. Other factors determine the success of a good relationship, even friendship.

    That said, what is with the photo on that site. I mean, there are brother to brother loving Christians. Why did they choose THAT particular photo? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

  2. I think it is not possible to be Muslim or Christian GLBT and at a time. All religions hate to GLBT. I invite you to read (my blog has translator) this. It is written with a fine irony. In Spain we have the same rights as hetero, but the Catholic Church wants to snap.

    Greetings from Madrid

  3. I applaud this, but I would also like to see the hate mail they probably are getting from so-called "true christians."
