Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hello, my name is Viktor and I am Possessed!

I'm excited to be possess by demons or just one. I'm sure most of us LGBT folks heard this malarkey sometime in our lives. But how does same gender loving becomes the evil, deadly child of Lilith?

It sounds so bizarre, but in my hometown, I would be considered possessed. Like Regan in The Exorcist, running around, speaking in different lost languages and spitting out green pea soup at people. Who told these folks that homosexuality is a demon. It's not listed in the bible as a demon, and I haven't seen one listed in the Dungeon and Dragons source books or on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

So where did this come from? And why are they telling us this? I remember hearing this is college. In fact, I was told I had a demon in me. Well, as soon as that sentence left their lips, I laughed. It was too much, to think I was walking around all this time possessed. I was also upset because I never knew I had all these great powers. I said to them to stay away because you don't know what I might do.

But really, if they believe in that, then what else do they believe? Unicorns, fairies, trolls, elves, Bush...

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing a panel from one of those ludicrously hateful "Chick tracts" online, show a gay marriage ceremony and two hideous imps emerging from the grooms' chests and kissing. Kee-ripes.

    It boggles my mind, the unadulterated hatred for their fellow human beings that some people must walk around with, all day long. Talk about "possessed"--!
