Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Don't Pray, Don't Tell

Army Spc. Jeremy Hall believed in God, until he went to war. Now he's an atheist. But that little "showtime synergy" act cost him his job in the military. Also Hall said his life was threatened by other troops and the military assigned a full-time bodyguard to protect him out of fear for his safety.

So with all the drama on who he prays to, Hall filed a lawsuit U.S. Department of Defense and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, among others. He claims his rights under the First Amendment were violated and believes that the United States military has become an all-mighty Christian super group.

And I thought Don't Ask, Don't Tell was bad.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy will be receiving an award from the Freedom From Religion Foundation this October at their national convention...

    You have got to see the photo of him in his uniform on their event page.

