Thursday, July 3, 2008

Do y'all do anything besides being thorns in our sides?

American “Family” Association and Campaign for Children and Families are two major organizations that are hell bent on protecting families and the vaguest thing on Earth, moral values. But every year, especially during election year, they come out in numbers to fight the main thing that is destroying our American lives...HOMOSEXUALITY.

This is their main charge, to stop gayness before it takes over the world. Out of all things to do, they come for us. As a group all about protecting the families, it would be nice for them to fight high gas prices that's causing schools to go from 5 days to 4 days a week. And because of the soaring gas prices, food is becoming too expensive to buy. They could focus on the closing Arts programs in schools. They could explore the lack of diversity education kids receive. Equal pay between women and men, more benefits for maternity leave, stronger after school programs, foster care, and more. But no, they come after us. Makes you wonder if they even know what their priorities are.

It's sad to see these groups abandon more important issues that affect families to attack issues that has nothing to do with them. I think I should send them a list just to remind them of what the can do for families. Gay marriage isn't dangerous to families. Straight marriage has been screwing things up way before we could arrange the colors of our tuxedos. So Campaign for Children and Families and Foolishness, look at the bigger picture for once.


  1. These people disgust me. They are not Christians by any sense of the word. They only hide behind it to spew their hate and bigotry. They think that their "god" should have the same predjudices that they have so of course, they always speak for their god.

    Needless to say, I've been an atheist for many years and will not let these charlatans decide what is "best" for me. If they want to believe their tripe, go ahead but do not force it upon me.
    ( I'll get off my soap box now );-)

  2. these organizations are a crock. if they cared about "family values" they would want security and rights for the millions of gay couples and 9 millions kids raised in same-sex households.

  3. hopefully these fools will find a real purpose
