Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tell me something I don't know, Dean!

Let the madness begin.

What is the appeal about the "DL brothers"? And why are we still talking about them? We know there are men who are in the closet while partaking in the gay culture, or gay sex. And we already know why some Black people are lost when it comes to sexuality and LBGT issues. However, the Black Gay guru, Terrance Dean is coming at us with more rehashed info, that if you read a book or a few articles, you already know the answers and reasons. Today, as I was surfing the net, I found this piece in

Terrance Dean has a follow-up documentary to his Hip Hop-Gay megadrama novel. It's called X'pos'D meaning "exposed" for all you non-hipsters. According to and Dean, it will explore "why the black community is afraid to address the taboo of homosexuality."

Really, Dean? Are you sure this documentary will focus on this, or something else like Dean's secret musical talent or artistic views? Since the book was misleading, I feel the documentary may follow suit.

Plus, we already know why! We've heard this crap already! We've been talking about this within the past 5 years!

But to save time and brain cells, I'm going to tell everyone the reasons why Black people have problems about homosexuality.
  • religion
  • ignorance
  • lack of social experiences
  • lack of global education
  • stern beliefs in gender roles
  • religion...oh did I say that already? Oh, I did, but it's so strong in our community, it's almost scary (I'm agnostic, btw)
To be honest, these reasons are almost the same reasons as other groups. In the youtube clip, you will see some of those points expressed. However, I can hope there's more info in this mess Dean's shooting at us. But if you want other views or perspectives, here are some credible sources to check out.
  • Any book written by Keith Boykin
  • Hip Hop Homos, Jumpin' the Broom: The New Covenant, and Pic Up the Mic, documentaries from LOGO
  • Why I hate Abercrombie & Fitch: Essays on Race and Sexualty by Dwight McBride.
I hope these sources are helpful and inspiring. We need something to clear the air of this pollution.

1 comment:

  1. Whew... finally something not about the presidential race!!!
