Monday, June 2, 2008

Someone lay hands on Florida

Has someone asked why Florida is always in some type of mess? First, it was election year in 2000, with the Wicked Witch of West, Katherine Harris putting the presidency is Dunce Cap's hands. And then violating voters' rights in 2004, and now this foolishness.

The people of Florida are screaming and becoming zombies about a ruling that in some ways, was fair considering they broke the rules. And now they are upset and now, they are going to switch parties. But really Florida, you should be mad at yourself.

You should be mad at the politicians you keep in your state. You should be mad that you allowed the same companies that employ election clerks who always forget their job responsibilities. You should be mad at the Jeb Bush machine and people who support his mistakes. You should be mad at the fact, you are taken advantage of on a regular basis. It's time to take control and ask some serious questions to your legislators. Stop being victims and take some responsibility .

1 comment:

  1. I agree. If they want change, they need to start joining grass root efforts to start Watch Groups to keep an eye on the government, they need to start voting for a person other than republican, and start electing more progressives into office. There are solutions to this mess if only people would stop wringing their hands and whining instead of taking action.
