Monday, June 16, 2008

Racism Across America: Obama style

I decided to post some of the racist mess across the country as Obama's campaigns. It may get worst as time progress, but I believe this election year is the year for change.

Yeah, I'm a dreamer.


  1. "Whoever put up that sign is a racist." = Understatement of the year.

    Sick, stupid people like this are killing our America.

  2. Wouldn't you know that it would be some dumb white racist who hasn't the sense to keep his opinions to himself and represents all those dinosaurs of racism from the past?! The sooner these old relics of the past die out, the better. I'm sure he's a life-long republican and will vote for McSame in November.

    How embarrassing to have to give this pathetic person 15 minutes of infamy.
