Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lewdness ain't cute

Fire Island, I think we have heard of it, right? But if you haven't, here it goes. Basically, it's a gay Hamptons, or a nice vacation spot for gays. So in other words, it's pretty much Themyscira (Wonder Woman's home) for gay men.

Well, recently the "Paradise Island" has been hit with some sexy arrest due to lewd conduct, or what I like to call it, the George Michael charge. Over the past two weeks, men are getting arrested for getting some do-it fluid in public.

And it gets better, according to Gawker.com, this weekend there's a event happening to stick it to The Man. A resident of the area has created the "a circle jerk for freedom" around the abandoned park service's building in the Meat Rack at the edge of the Pines. The goal is to show The Man that...I guess, sex is great and it should be shared with the public?

Classy, no. A mess, yes.

Ok, I know I sound like a prude sometimes, but this ain't cute. Not outside and not in abandon building, unless you own it. Fire Island is a gay safe space, we don't have to sneak around. I know it's exciting to play outside and maybe get caught, but it's not cute when you're arrested and blasted all in the news. Plus, this type of stuff could backfire and take away one few places we can truly call our own.

I think they should have their "rally" in a closed area with plenty of pillows and protection. Not everyone needs to see bad sex out in the open, it can scar someone for life.

For more, click the title

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