Friday, June 6, 2008

Halloween H30

Devil's Due Publishing will be releasing a special 30th anniversary Halloween comic book. It will be 48 pages and the plot lines sounds interesting.

According to there will be 5 short stories
Trick or Treat: This is a very simple story which focuses on the 'trick or treat' idea which is central to the night of Halloween yet only touched-upon in the films. This takes place directly at the end of the first film—pretty much between the end of that and the beginning of Halloween II. This will be illustrated by Danijel Zezelj.

Visiting Hours: This is our Laurie Strode story. One of the things about
Nightdance was that the only returning character was ‘The Shape’—which was deliberate; we wanted to make the universe as accessible as possible to readers not overly-familiar with the mythology.

P.O.V.: One of the stylistic aspects of the original film is the point-of-view shot; this is a
scene involving ‘The Shape’ which plays with that convention using comic panels.

Tommy's Web: I think this one will surprise people more than any other in the book; so, for that reason, I want to say the least about it. We see a snapshot of the Tommy Doyle character as he is many years later and what he's doing now. That's essentially the framing device for a very different kind of story. The artist for this is going to be Jeff Zornow.

Repetition Compulsion: This is the Sam Loomis story of the book.


This sounds really good. I did enjoy the Halloween: Nightdance mini-series. And the neat thing is Devil's Due has the "ok" from the Akkad family, the owners of the Halloween enterprise. So if there are any more movies, characters from their comic books can be in those movies. However, I would love to write the final Halloween movie. Although they believe there are more stories to be told, I realized that Michael Myers is over 50 years old. I would think he would be tired of that dirty old mask and staying quiet for so long.

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