Sunday, June 8, 2008

Guess what? Phoenix didn't like X-Men 3 either

It's two years late, but it's nice to know. I found some info about X-Men 3, you know the movie, the one that crapped all over, and I mean all over the Dark Phoenix saga we all know and loved. Hell, the cartoon did a better job than the movie.

But anyway, in the website,, Famke Janssen tells us that she wasn't happy with the outcome of X3. Here's some of the interview with her:

FAMKE: When I did the first one people kept saying ‘Oh Jean Grey. Jean Grey turns into the Phoenix!' So I looked into the story and I thought ‘Oh wow, I hope one day they’re doing it.'

They did it. They didn’t do it the way I would’ve liked to have them do it. But…

NATHANIEL: Yes, that’s what I wanted to ask you about because it was basically your big moment but there were so many subplots.

FAMKE: I know.

NATHANIEL: And I kept thinking ‘This should be Famke’s movie!’ when I was watching it.

FAMKE: That’s not the way it works. The way it works is that some people get paid a lot of money on those movies and I’m not one of them. And they need to give them as much screen time as possible. That’s really how it works.

NATHANIEL: That’s crazy because all the drama was yours. And yet, there was all this other... stuff.

FAMKE: Yes and I kept fighting it, too. I said ‘Look you set up the character like that in the beginning of the film. You have her kill Patrick Stewart’s character. You have her kill her own fiancĂ© in the film. And then where do you take it? You’ve got to follow it through. You can’t just leave it dangling there.'


FAMKE: But they did.

NATHANIEL: It’s good to hear that because as I watching it I kept thinking This is the Movie. What is all this... other stuff?

FAMKE: People who I know who really like the X-Men comic books really love that story arc. It felt to me like a missed opportunity. People ask ‘Are they going to come back and do it and I say, no that’s now done. It was done in that way.


There's more here:

including deleted story lines and ideas. I wished they've thought out the plot for X3, but they didn't. Perhaps if the Hulk semi-remake works, then there could be hope for a proper Phoenix story. I think an animated version would suffice, however you never know what's happening in the Marvel studios these days.


  1. That ending made me sick to no end. I have no trust in those herbs anymore. :: rolls eyes:: the Dark Phoenix Saga is the best story in the X-Men series, and no one can tell me different. What a missed opportunity. Especially after how awesome X-Men 2 was.

  2. I think, if they wanted, they could re-do it. I agree that when you tellin's the Dark Phoenix Saga... its not about nothing else.

  3. Hey there - thanks for the link to my blog. Isn't it crazy how Famke spoke up after all this time! I guess she was on contract to promote the movie before, and couldn't badmouth it. But such a shame the third movie didn't do justice to the Phoenix Saga. I'm seeing all three films in IMAX tomorrow at a screening introduced by Ian McKellen (Magneto) so i wonder if he'll say anything about the third movie... I'll be adding stuff to my blog if he does! best wishes, David.
