Tuesday, June 10, 2008

An example of Legalized Prostitution in New York

I was just reminded how sad people can be.

I was reading New York Times, when I saw this mess. Last Thursday, humanity got a little more foolish with the Fashion Meets Finance event. What is this you may ask? What's a Fashion Meet Finance thingy? Well, I'll tell you.

This "event" is a mixer that brings men who are young and rich to women who are young and loves fashion. Pretty neat, huh?

Anyway here are some highlights from the New York Times article
There's nothing mysterious about the purpose of the bimonthly bashes; it's all spelled out in the name. But just in case you are confused, "Women in fashion need men who can facilitate their pre-30 marriage/retirement plan," explains the invitation. "And men in finance need women who will allow them to leverage their career in their dating equity."

To RSVP, applicants were required to post their title and company, and were also encouraged to post their photos and salary.

Yes, salary.

Would investment manager Victor Park - he of the $500,000-plus annual income - find true love with Juicy Couture's Kellie Tracy, who nets under 50 grand annually? Would they spawn?

Matching up moneyed men and female shopaholics is hardly Ph.D.-level chemistry. The Mr. Big formula is practiced nightly in clubs, where bankers buy $400 bottles and encourage thirsty young girls to come to papa.

So basically this is a soft prostitution ring. It's almost scary to know that this happens, as well as people being ok with it. Yes, you can say it's pure honestly at the fullest. Both parties are putting it out there and keeping it real with each other.

But if it's keeping it real, then the reality should hurt deeply. For a man to use his money to land a woman, is not saying very much about him. If he has to use his money to sell himself, then you have to ask, What does he really have to offer?

And the women, this hurt more because, they are truly selling themselves. Looking for a man with money, is one thing, but using him to feel better about yourself is worst. It means you do not value yourself enough to get the full meal deal.

This is emotional cheating, they are fooling themselves by cutting corners and shortchanging each other for what; a chance to live rich? A chance to say I have a hot girl at my side? Please, it's empty and poisonous to the soul. Are we that lost? It's so interesting that people take pride in this. Or take pictures at this event.

However, maybe someone found love here, it's possible. If we can find love on gay.com, hell anything is possible.

For more, click here: http://www.nypost.com/seven/06102008/entertainment/dough_job_114828.htm

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