Saturday, June 7, 2008

Do we have a gay action plan?

Do we have a gay action plan? Election year is coming up and we are growing more and more; have we thought about our needs, well, our real needs?

Recently, everyone is talking about the support we will have with new leadership and how more marriage opportunities are on the way. And while all of that is good, is that enough? Are there more items we should put on the list? I think there is.

For me, I need to know if there will be stronger outreach to LGBT people of color. I would like stronger media about our accomplishments and triumphs. I need to know who our leaders are and their next steps in the upcoming year. What are the goals of the gay media? What is the power and purpose of the gay mafia? Do we have a five year plan to shape up our rights. Are we opening more businesses than bath houses and bars? And are we ready to really more forward?

I hope so.

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