Thursday, May 29, 2008

When it gets worst, count on Michael Bay

So this is some crap I heard today.

Straight from the Hollywood Reporter:

David Berenbaum and Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes have been brought on deck to bring Hasbro's supernatural game "Ouija Board" to the big screen. The project is set up at Universal, where Hasbro has a six-year strategic partnership.
Platinum Dunes' Bay, Andrew Form and Brad Fuller will produce "Ouija" along with Hasbro. Although the specific log line for the film is being kept under wraps, the film will be a supernatural adventure with the Ouija board playing an integral part of the story. The movie is not taking a "Jumanji"-like approach, which involved a game coming to life.

What? Again...What? Platinum Dunes is a terrorist's plot. It has to be. Who would do something like this? Oh I know,
Platinum Dunes. This is foolishness! In fact this type of movie has already been done...Witchboard with Tawny Kitaen.

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