Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today, in Hillary's World

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary! As the nomination comes to a close, Hill-Hill is pulling something from her sleeve. She is hoping to get the delegates from Michigan and Florida seated. Not because she wants every vote to count, but to pull her up in the race to the White House. According the reports, she won the primaries in both states. But the thing is all candidates initially agreed not to campaign in either state after they broke party rules.

The Rules? Well, Florida and Michigan broke ranks and held primaries earlier than party rules allowed. As punishment, both state parties were told that they would not be represented at all when the party officially nominates a presidential candidate at the August convention in Denver, Colorado.

Some candidates took their names off the ballots, but Hillary kept hers on list. She’s been silent about the troubled states, until now. She wants them to count, she needs them to count. But if she isn’t careful, the delegates could send Obama over the edge and straight to the Dems main seat. Also, she should be aware of the message she’s sending.

Acting all bratty and foolish could turn people away from her. She already showing her claws and the fight hasn’t even begun. She isn’t the Hillary I grew up with; this is a dark Hill-Hill, almost like Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie. You can say she isn’t wrong, but it just seems so desperate, and foretelling of her leadership style.

Sorry Hill-Hill, but you just need to sit down and learn from your mistakes.

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