Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A new, but different mission for the Missionaries

While I was in the shower, I was thinking about all the news the Midwest and the South are getting. As usual, it isn't good press. For some reason they never get good press, especially around education, employment, and racial issues. On the news, I was listening to several people from WV talk about their faith and how that the most important thing to them. I also read some articles about the issue of faith in the Midwest and the South. It's strong staple to them, ranked very high in their list priorities.

So if that's the case? Then some of them are not following the good word.

Several racist incidents are popping up in those areas due to Obama's rise for the nomination. Also several people are claiming to never vote for a black man, but in the same breath, state their allegiance to God. I'm sorry people, but you can't do both...well, you can, but it's considered Not Godly!

I've said this before, these people are not reading the Bible. They have forgotten the stories and the messages. You can't be foolishly racist and claim to be a pure Christian. That's like saying I'm a vegan as I order a cheeseburger. You can't do that and be real about it! You're a pure hypocrite if you do. With that being said, I think if anyone can reach these people, it's the missionaries. I know it's a crazy idea, but it's my notion to fight fire with brimstone and fire.

Missionaries are sent to harshest countries, helping to rebuild their homes while educating people about the true meaning of faith. These people are usually selfless and quite understanding. And the members are a lot younger, highly educated, and diverse. The cause is the same, but their purpose could motivate change.

I'm not religious or a Christian, but I can see how this could turn ignorance around and renew faith. I think if people believe in something then they should stand behind it. Remember the story of Jesus and the people he stood behind and issues he faced. He would not tolerate this foolishness, nor support this behavior. If you are going to evoke his words, then evoke his actions.

So I'm calling all missionaries to tend to the plague of mess in the South and Midwest. I think our country definitely needs a miracle.

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