Saturday, May 3, 2008

Iron Bad Boy

I normally don't like Iron Man. I don't read his comic and I think of him as a prick. But the movie was great!! It was different than most big action movies, it was a solid story. Robby Rob played Tony Stark to a T. His was really good and very sexy. I found myself crushing on him as he walked around shirtless. But nevertheless, the movie was great. I highly recommend it.

And if you haven't seen it and plan to see it soon, stay until the very end.


  1. I admit to not being sold on Robert Downey, Jr. as Iron Man, but we saw the film yesterday, and he was great! Actually, the enitre film was well done, and Downey, Jr. impressed me greatly.

  2. I go to very few movies anymore, and have a DC-only rule for comic book movies at the cinema. But I still look forward to seeing this looks pretty great(I know NOTHING about Iron Man, tho).

    I've *always* thought Robert Downey, Jr. was kind of a hottie...
