Sunday, May 11, 2008

Evangelicals are doing it for themselves

I learned today that evangelicals are maybe, possibly coming around. According to a September 2007 survey by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 15 percent of white evangelicals between 18 and 29, a group traditionally lovers of the GOP, are saying they no longer identify with the Republican Party. Some of them are jumping ship....actually to Obama's boat.

They are getting to the heart of their beliefs like: social justice, peace, and, global change. Why, you may ask? Well, a lot of younger evangelicals are traveling to other countries, questioning authority, and challenging their beliefs. After the Bush's foolishness and trickery towards them, many evangelicals are starting to wake up. I always gaffed at the methods Rove used to get evangelicals and how easy they were fooled into voting for Bush. I always hoped that the next time, they would get back to basics. And now, maybe they are.

I believe if evangelicals truly read the Bible, they wouldn't jumped behind Bush the way they did. They should have held him accountable for the lies he told and the war he led us into. They should have demanded why the rich got richer and the poor suffered more. I would like to think that the Bible provided a guideline to hold politicians accountable. I mean, it was the politicians that went after Jesus. Plus, he wasn't a fan of the government and their methods. So if you follow what Jesus did, wouldn't you follow him on his belief about government?

The new group of evangelicals are actually taking back their faith. I always felt the Bush administration hijacked Christianity. But now they want more, in fact they are seeing the mess that was made. Hopefully, they will think about the past and then, think about the past. And then ask themselves, WWJD.

1 comment:

  1. I have often thought that religion and politics are one in the same. I'm glad some of the evangelicals have "seen the light" and are looking at the Democrats and mainly Obama, as a viable choice to bring this country back on the correct path. Everything this present resident of the White House has done goes directly against anything of which the Bible stands, in my opinion. I welcome them but hope they don't use their concervative perspective to affect my life. We need a break from all that hatred towards gays.
