Sunday, May 25, 2008

Calling America out one issue at a time

Coming out next week is a interesting new documentary. It's called, Bigger, Stronger, Faster, and it's a look at America's love affair with steroids. The film kicks off with a montage of the mego stars of the 1980s, like Hulk Hogan, Arnold Schwarzenegger and others.

According to EW, Christopher Bell, the director of Bigger, Stronger, Faster, lets us know how much they meant to him as a kid. Of course, two of them have since admitted to using anabolic steroids — i.e., synthetic testosterone. This should interesting, given the issues with our sport stars. I wonder if this will kick off more docs that look closely at our culture. It's time to start owning up to the madness we call the land of free, home the brave.

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