Thursday, May 1, 2008

Boys+Crush = Semi-sociopath

We've all had crushes, maybe some you still do. I was just thinking about the crushes I've had over the years...and I'm surprised I'm still alive.

Crushes takes us through so much drama, especially in our teen years. I think crushes are clear signs of borderline insanity. Just think of the crazy things we do for a look or a smile from that guy or girl. I think I was the worst, I did so many stupid things for a boy's attention, like:

Drove around his house, playing music loud enough so he could hear it.
Did a guy's homework.
Followed a guy around school.
Pretend to trip in front of a guy so he could laugh at me.
Talk about girls in an inappropriate way.
Cuss ridiculously.
Tricked him into dropping his best friend so I could be his best friend.
Went to a Poison concert (in 1990).
Smoked half a cigarette.
Lied about my sexual experiences.
Touch "things" while I was on the phone with a guy.
Slashed a guy's tire because he chose his girlfriend over me for a weekend in Louisville (well, it wasn't a crush, we were actually fooling around and cheating on our girlfriends)

See, pure insanity! It's a good thing I'm out of that phase.

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