Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Bad Boys Club

Since I'm on this Greek trip, I thought I would address this issue about the MIAKA's or Men Interested in Alpha Kappa Alpha.

What are MIAKA's? Well basically, they're gay black men who pledge and follow some of the rituals of the historic black sorority. It's like a their own greek system that gives them the opportunity to hang out and meet others like them.

Recently there were several articles about this guys pledging and posting pictures online. While some people were indifferent, a lot of folks were outraged. I found some of these articles and I want to share some of the pieces.
  • We can only blame ourselves, Black Men. We got to take more responsibility and ownership of the lives of our youth, no matter if its our relatives or the kid next door. This Epidemic Plaguing Or Young Black Men Has Got To STOP!
  • The media portrayed the group as a rogue “new” faction of gay men, dead set on infiltrating AKA, the nearly century-old sorority. AKA National stressed MIAKAs had “no official or unofficial standing with the sorority.” MIAKAs claimed foul play. Both parties threatened lawsuits.As the debate raged, one thing became clear: The controversy was less about the sanctity of AKA and more about homophobia. A self-proclaimed Omega Psi Phi member posted, “I can care less about being politically correct. Homosexuality is wrong and it is tolerated too much, especially on our Black campuses.” One AKA proclaimed, “God is not pleased with this.” Others called it “sick.”
Okay, so people were mad, but I don't it's that serious. Yes they copied the AKAs but was anyone hurt? And were the levees broken? No, but homophobia showed it ugly ass in this situation. After reading the articles I was appalled with notion that this is an "epidemic" and how black men has failed little black boys. Now on that note, I think black men has failed by not providing diversity in their roles. Thinking that black men should be this one type of male is ridiculous. Hell, you fail yourself for being so close minded.

And if this is an epidemic then put it all over me. I rather be gay than a thug, in jail, or angry for no apparent reason. An epidemic, child please, being gay is a miracle.

These guys are doing nothing dangerous. They are just having fun. But, I think they shouldn't copy AKAs. They should form their own group, and this group should empower them and keep everyone aware of their presence. I think it is great that they have a support network, a home, a family to turn to. Did anyone stop to think that the idea of MIAKAs is not only harmless, but encouraging to the young black gay males who are teased and hated on.

I guess they didn't, they can only think about the hellfire and brimstone song and dance. The MIAKA group is a step in good direction. Maybe these guys can move on to something else and inspire younger gay kids to get together, stay in school, and lead others.

Oh BTW, I used to be Emerald Knight, something very similar to the MIAKA group.

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