Monday, April 28, 2008

Warners, Joel Silver, get it together!

Check out this article about Wonder Woman's big screen debut

'Wonder Woman' to hit the big screen?
Producer vows Amazonian heroine will see the light of day
By and -- Sun Media

Apparently convincing a statuesque model or actress to parade around in star-spangled underwear for you is harder than it looks.

Who knew?

Just ask Joel Silver, the producer behind The Matrix and next month's Speed Racer, who has been labouring for the better part of a decade to bring Wonder Woman to the big screen.

Despite years of shelved scripts and rumoured starlets (Catherine Zeta-Jones, Cameron Diaz and Sandra Bullock among them), he says he doesn't expect to find Lynda Carter's successor anytime soon.

"Warners was going to make a movie about the Justice League with all the characters," he says, referring to the proposed blockbuster that cast Australian model Megan Gale in the role. "But I think that's tabled for the time being."

Before that, Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon had written a script for a solo film, but it was put on hiatus before the lead was cast.

Despite these setbacks, Silver says he's still optimistic it will be made.

"I'll make it one day. (Speed Racer) has been 20 years in the making, so sometimes these things take awhile."

Did Silver compare Diana to the stupid Speed Racer? Is he on crack or just silly? She, if anyone, should have her own movie by now. I don't think the Warners deserve to have DC under their wing. They just crap on the spirit of comics. And Silver isn't helping, he's willing to put some unknown sex-pot as our own favorite amazon.

I can't take this, it just tears out my heart anytime they mention the WW movie. It almost unfair. But I have hope for her. And I promise if I win millions of dollars, I will find a way to get her out there. I mean, they made Speed Racer and before that, they made Mod Squad.
It's her time now.

1 comment:

  1. Vik, they have always but Diana in the second class position, after Batman and Superman...and it's been clear over the years that she can kick their asses if need be.

    But I don't want them to cast any old chick with boobs and legs in the role, either. If they're just looking for someone to wear a star-spangled bathing suit, then they're approaching it all wrong...and its probably a good thing they aren't making the movie yet!
