Sunday, April 20, 2008

Random Questions

I was asked a few questions while I was at work, and I thought I could share them (Since a blogger said they know nothing about me)

When did you know you was gay?
At 17, when I saw a gay adult movie for the first time. The movie was called Cousins

When did you kiss a guy?
When I was 8. His name was Scott and we kissed in his empty dog house

Did you have a girlfriend?
I did, in college for two years. But at the same time I was having an affair with my roommate

What is the craziest thing you've done?
Followed a crush (a guy) to college

What are your most shallow item(s)?
Fendi bag, Gucci sunglasses, Versace eyeglasses, 2 pair of True Religion jeans

Next big purchase?
42" flat screen TV

What job taught you a lot about people?
My 7 month side job at Papa John's last year (My therapy from working at ASU)

Scariest moment?
Walking through a graveyard at night...scary and fun actually

First sexual experience?
Just kissing Scott in the dog house

How many relationships?
4, 1 with a woman

First successful written project?
Eve and Eve: a play about Zeus falling in love with Eve, a young Greek girl. Hera gets jealous and creates and evil twin of Eve to cause chaos. It was a crazy play. I wrote it in the eighth grade and it was actually put on for my class.

The first time you heard the n-word and f-word?
The n-word from my grandmama at 7, and the f-word from a classmate at 9


  1. Especially cool about the play...sounds really interesting (typical Zeus and Hera behavior, of course...), especially for your age on writing it!

    What interesting questions for a workplace conversation. Then again, it depends on the workplace.

    Aw, making out in the doghouse--adorable! : )

  2. You are so lucky...At least you didn't wear Cross Colors gear and Cavaricci pants...I did..sigh
