Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rambling about the past

Viktor and 'em in 1989

I enjoyed my teen-aged years. I had friends, a car, and a decent social life. However, I'm reminded of the crazy days of hiding my sexuality, living with a heavy working family, and just getting by.

Life wasn't the best in Union City, TN. There wasn't a lot to do, all the gay people were either closeted or hairdressers, and I was a regular in the show called "Viktor's so______________" (you can fill in the blank with something negative). But I always believed that things would get better. In fact, I had to, because I was at a low, low point living a backwards town, the only way was up. Luckily, I left home for college, grad school, New York City, and later L.A.

But sometimes, I miss the old days. There was something genuine living a place removed from the hoopla of pop culture. You knew where you stood with people. You had time to reflect and process. You wasn't so available to everyone, and value meals were only $3.99.

I often think about moving back to a small town after I get my Doctorate or M.F.A. in Screen and Television Writing. But I fear I would be bored to death. After living in NYC and now L.A., I'm not sure I'll see the same things anymore.

And it bothers my to think about that.

I would love to remember the hazy, lazy days where time wasn't a factor and suntea was the only drink of choice. I hope it's not too late to see the value in all those things. I hope I haven't grown too old.

1 comment:

  1. "Viktor's So Raven"?! That was you!?!

    Sorry, lame man...still too tired from surfing last night. Promise I'll come back when I'm better rested for intelligent comments.
